Thursday, January 28, 2010

-Dangerous Hill Walking Route-

El Caminito del Rey or The King's little pathway is a walkway pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, near �lora in M�laga, Spain.

The construction of Caminito del Rey began in 1901 and the main purpose was to provide the workers at the hydroelectric power plants at Chorro Falls and Gaitanejo with a walkway to cross between falls.

The walkway was ready in 1905.

In 1921 King Alfonso XIII crossed the walkway for the inauguration of the dam Conde del Guadalhorce and it became known by its present name.

Now the walkway is in very dangerous state - it has handrail, some parts have completely collapsed.

It is one meter (3 feet and 3 inches) in width, and is over 300 meters (984 feet) above the river.

After several torrists have died in the accidents, the local government closed the walkway.

But it couldn't stop a lot of crazy tourists. And there are still a lot of people trying to cross the walkway every day.

Negara Yaman

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kisah Dari Mahkamah Syariah: Jantan terlampau

Bekas pesakit barah payu dara kongsi pengalaman pahit 'dihina' bekas suami

MINGGU ini, ruangan ini memberi peluang kepada seorang pembaca yang menulis mengenai kisah hidupnya. Sedih sekali membaca kisah Khadijah (bukan nama sebenar) yang mendapat layanan buruk daripada suami yang sepatutnya melindunginya. Ikuti tulisan beliau.

"Saya tertarik hati membaca tulisan Siti Nur Almizan bertarikh 8 Oktober lalu di halaman Ratu, Berita Harian bertajuk 'Sokongan Suami Penawar Duka' kerana saya juga pesakit barah payu dara, tetapi nasib saya kurang baik sebab 'suami menambah duka'.

Saya disahkan menghidap barah payu dara pada Oktober 1998 ketika berumur 44 tahun. Saya mempunyai empat orang anak yang sedang bersekolah ketika itu. Saya membuat pemeriksaan awal sendiri di hospital sehinggalah pengesahan daripada doktor mengenai penyakit itu tanpa suami.

Mungkin nasib saya agak baik kerana bertugas sebagai pendidik, jadi tidaklah terlalu memikirkan masalah kewangan. (Suami saya juga seorang pendidik). Saya akur dengan nasihat doktor untuk menjalani pembedahan bagi membuang sebelah kanan payu dara dengan segera dan saya perlu memberi tahu suami mengenainya.

Ketika itu saya memang tidak dapat membayangkan masa depan saya dalam keadaan yang cacat 'mahkotanya'. Perasaan berbelah bagi sama ada hendak bedah atau mencari pilihan lain atau merahsiakan saja daripada suami dan keluarga. Namun apabila membayangkan wajah anak-anak yang memerlukan, saya berjanji kepada diri sendiri 'Aku mesti sihat demi masa depan anak-anak' dan saya menerima musibah ini sebagai ujian Allah selepas diberi kaunseling oleh seorang jururawat.

Dalam keadaan yang sangat sedih saya memberitahu suami mengenai perkara itu dengan harapan saya akan mendapat semangat atau sokongan manja daripadanya, tetapi jawapan yang diterima ialah "Kalau doktor kata bedah .... bedahlah.... kalau sampai masa untuk mati... matilah nak buat macam mana?.."

Di manakah tempat untuk saya meletakkan kesedihan ketika itu? Saya tidak mahu menunjukkan kesedihan di depan anak-anak kerana saya tidak mahu pelajaran mereka terganggu jika saya tidak bersemangat. Begitu pun, suami setuju untuk saya dibedah dan dia berjanji menerima keadaan diri saya seadanya selepas pembedahan.

Pada awal November 1998 saya menjalani pembedahan mastektomi, tetapi sebelum itu doktor menasihatkan suami untuk bercuti pada hari pembedahan, tetapi suami tidak bersetuju dan apabila saya meminta suami hadir awal ke hospital sebelum saya masuk ke bilik bedah, dia hanya berkata "tengoklah kalau sempat datang" (saya akan di bedah jam 8.30 pagi).

Kesedihan saya bertakuk lagi apabila saya sudah pun dipakaikan dengan baju bedah, suami masih lagi tidak muncul-muncul sehingga saya dibawa ke Bilik Bedah tanpa iringan suami yang sepatutnya memberi sokongan kepada saya, juga untuk saya mencium tangannya sebelum dibedah, manalah tahu jika umur tidak panjang.

Saya berada di wad selama 10 hari, apabila pulang ke rumah, suami tidak sabar-sabar untuk menuntut layanan intim daripada saya tanpa bersimpati dengan apa yang saya tanggung selepas pembedahan, meleleh air mata ketika menunaikan kehendaknya, dan begitulah seterusnya. Memandangkan bekerja dengan kerajaan, saya diberi cuti bergaji sepanjang menjalani rawatan kemoterapi dan radioterapi.

Suatu hari saya diperkenalkan dengan payu dara gentian (silikon) oleh seorang jururawat hospital yang harganya lebih kurang RM300 dengan bayaran dua atau tiga kali. Saya menyuarakan kepada suami untuk membelinya, tetapi suami dengan selamba berkata: "Buat apa beli harganya mahal... sumbat sajalah dengan kain buruk!" Apakah perasaan saya ketika itu?

Memandangkan saya mempunyai wang gaji sendiri, saya beli silikon itu dan gunakan hingga hari ini dengan selesa walaupun sudah sedikit rosak (10 tahun guna) kini saya sedang mencari di mana boleh membeli yang baru. Saya pernah mengajak suami untuk pergi mencari yang baru, tetapi tidak dilayan.

Sepanjang mendapatkan rawatan, ada kalanya saya tidak boleh pergi ke hospital sendirian, saya perlukan pertolongan suami untuk memandu kereta contoh ketika membuat rawatan kemoterapi dan radioterapi. Ketika itu saya terpaksa bersabar dengan rungutan, muka yang masam, ada kala membisu dan pelbagai macam kerenah daripada suami.

Saya hampir hilang semangat untuk meneruskan rawatan susulan selepas pembedahan, tetapi atas nasihat doktor pakar yang merawat saya dan tidak jemu untuk memujuk supaya saya menghabiskan rawatan terutama kemoterapi dan radioterapi. Kadangkala saya rasa tertekan oleh sikap suami yang berasa jijik apabila tiap kali rawatan kemoterapi, saya akan mengalami muntah-muntah dan dia akan menjauhkan diri daripada saya.

Bila bertanyakan pendapat suami adakah saya perlu memberhentikan saja rawatan kerana sikapnya itu, dia menjawab: "Suka hatilah. Kalau Tuhan nak pendekkan umur, rawatan macam mana pun tetap mati juga."

Itulah kata-kata 'sokongan' yang saya terima daripada suami, yang penting baginya saya tidak menyusahkan dia untuk meminta pertolongan. Bagi memudahkan saya memandu, saya menukar kereta jenis automatik dan kembali bekerja apabila cuti sakit tamat.

Demi anak-anak saya bertekad, reda dan berdoa kepada Allah supaya saya diberi ketabahan dan kekuatan iman untuk menghadapi semua perkara yang menyedihkan. Saya membina semangat sendiri dengan sokongan sahabat baik yang bersimpati.

Saya menjaga kesihatan dengan membaca pelbagai artikel dan membeli ubat-ubatan (vitamin) yang boleh menguatkan imunisasi dengan kewangan sendiri. Suami tidak percaya jika saya sekali-sekala mengatakan penat atau kurang sihat sebaliknya dia akan menuduh saya sengaja berkata begitu sebagai alasan untuk tidak melayan kehendaknya. Bermakna saya mesti sihat sentiasa demi kebahagiaan suami dan keluarga.

Saya mulakan keredaan kepada Allah dengan membaca al-Quran dan surah Yassin sebagai 'Syifa' (penyembuh) dan bermohon supaya diberikan kesihatan baik sehingga anak-anak boleh berdikari. Saya luangkan masa untuk ke kelas mengaji dan berzanji, sedangkan suami pula terus membuat pelbagai kerenah yang kadang-kadang memberi tekanan emosi kepada saya walaupun saya tahu itu adalah tidak baik bagi pesakit barah.

Tetapi apa boleh buat sudah sikap suami begitu, justeru saya mencari ketenangan di sejadah dan daripada urusan kerja di sekolah. Memang Allah itu maha pengasih ketika saya masih lagi belum sembuh sepenuhnya, saya memohon untuk menunaikan Fardu Haji di Makkah. Alhamdullilah pada awal 2001 saya diterima untuk menunaikan ibadat haji dan saya pergi tanpa suami dengan hanya menumpang seorang bapa saudara yang berumur 75 tahun ketika itu.

Saya bersyukur sepanjang menunaikan ibadat di Makkah, saya sihat walaupun berjalan jauh ke masjid untuk tawaf, saie dan melontar jamrah. Doktor ada membekalkan ubat-ubatan, tetapi saya rasa sihat dengan air zam zam.

Itu cerita hampir 10 tahun lalu. Kesabaran yang Allah kurniakan kepada saya, dapat mengatasi segala kesedihan yang ditanggung. Dua orang anak saya sudah bekerja dan mempunyai keluarga sendiri, seorang anak saya baru saja menamatkan pengajian dari sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) dan sudah pun bekerja, hanya seorang lagi anak masih lagi di IPT.

Namun suami tidak bersyukur dengan keadaan saya yang sentiasa berusaha untuk yang terbaik bagi menyihatkan diri tanpa menyusahkan dia baik dari segi masa mahupun kewangan. Saya bekerja dengan lebih bersemangat dan dikurniakan Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang dan dianugerahkan Guru Cemerlang pada 2008. Saya sentiasa positif dan ceria kepada semua perkara yang saya lakukan sehingga sukar untuk sesiapa percaya bahawa saya adalah pesakit barah payu dara.

Begitupun, saya tidak boleh lari daripada ujian Allah. Dugaan dan kesedihan datang lagi selepas 10 tahun saya membina semangat dan jati diri sendiri. Saya rasa apa yang saya lakukan tidak mempunyai nilai apa-apa dan semangat terbina akan luntur jua jika tiada sokongan yang kuat kerana dua hari sebelum saya menyambut ulang tahun ke-55 kelahiran saya, suami bertindak keluar rumah dan mendaftarkan perceraian di Mahkamah Syariah.

Saya dijatuhkan talak dengan alasan 'isteri enggan melayan suami' selepas 30 tahun hidup bersama dan suami lupa pada janjinya. Saya rasa terlalu aib dan hina sekali, saya tidak mahu membantah alasan yang diberi kerana mahu menjaga maruah suami di mahkamah sebaliknya menerima perceraian itu dengan reda dan ketentuan Ilahi dengan persoalan 'layanan yang bagaimanakah dikehendaki oleh suami dan apakah hina mempunyai sebelah payu dara?'

Perkara ini berlaku disebabkan pada awal sesi persekolahan 2009, sebagai guru yang agak sibuk sedikit dengan tugasan awal tahun, ada kalanya saya sangat letih (waktu balik jam 3.00 atau 4.00 petang, tetapi 10 minit sudah sampai ke rumah). Ketika itu suami sudah bersara wajib 56 tahun.

Selain itu, saya juga sibuk dengan persiapan majlis perkahwinan anak. Saya tidak pernah ada pembantu rumah sejak mula berkahwin dan semua urusan anak serta rumah tangga saya uruskan sendiri. Suami akan membantu mengikut mood dan suatu malam saya menolak kehendak intim suami kerana terlalu letih.

Itulah pertama kali saya menolak dan keesokan harinya suami terus dingin berpanjangan, saya cuba membaiki keadaan, tetapi dia menambahkan emosi saya. Suami keluar dari rumah ketika saya bekerja. Suami balik ke kampungnya dan mungkin bercerita kepada saudara-mara di sana mengenai kekurangan diri dan layanan yang saya tidak tunaikan kepadanya.

Akhirnya dia menghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) kepada saya yang berbunyi.

"Jumpa di pejabat kadi," dan saya membalas "Untuk bincang apa?" Dia menjawab SMS "Aku bukan nak bincang, tapi nak ceraikan kau!"

Baru-baru ini, dengan bangga sekali bekas suami memberi tahu anak-anak yang dia akan berkahwin lagi dan menghantar SMS kepada saya yang berbunyi "Dia tak macam engkau", mungkinkah maksudnya wanita itu lebih baik dari saya yang sudah cacat mahkotanya? Kenapa ya...

Haruskah saya meneruskan semangat diri pada hujung-hujung usia begini? Perlukah saya menyambung kesedihan sebagai pesakit barah payu dara sehingga ke akhir hayat kerana terlalu mahal untuk mendapatkan sokongan daripada orang yang dipanggil suami?

Pada ketika ini, saya berserah kepada Ilahi dan saya tidak peduli lagi apa akan berlaku pada diri saya selepas ini, andainya saya positif semula pada penyakit itu, saya reda ianya menjadi titik terakhir dalam kehidupan saya. Itulah semangat yang mula tertanam di hati saya."

Kepada Khadijah, langit tidak selalu mendung. Pada usia semakin senja, usah biarkan penghinaan bekas suami menjadi kudis di hati. Anggaplah tindakan dan kata-katanya bagai orang tua yang sudah nyanyuk. Pekakkan telinga, kerana hakikatnya Khadijah jauh lebih baik daripada bekas suami.

Sesungguhnya, tindakan Khadijah yang tetap sabar dengan segala tindakan atau kata-kata melampau suami, amat terpuji. Kehilangan payu dara bukan noktah kepada kehidupan. Ini ujian daripada Ilahi dan ingatlah, Khadijah 'dipilih' kerana kesabaran tinggi yang dimiliki.

Hanya insan sabar seperti Khadijah yang mampu mengharungi 10 tahun paling menyakitkan itu. Mungkin perceraian jalan terbaik supaya Khadijah tidak lagi disakiti. Malah inilah masanya untuk Khadijah melakukan apa saja untuk diri sendiri, sesuatu yang tidak dapat dilakukan ketika hidup bersama bekas suami.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


By Master Lynn YapFengshuiQueen


1) Short intro about Master Lynn Yap

2) 18 Predictions for 2010

3) Which industries will do well

4) Fortune for 12 animal signs

5) FengshuiQueen Tip for 2010

6) Conclusion

Age 50+

BBA (NUS)(1982)

Experiences since 1989 –

Learnt from many grandmasters

Made several appearances in CNBC Asia, BBC world, Discovery channel, German TV, TCS 5, TCS 8, Channel U.

Interviewed by numerous newspapers and magazines worldwide

Each year there are numerous fengshui projects and life readings and with 6 listed companies clients, todate
Method of Fengshui used:
1) Flying Star school of fengshui
2) Landscape fengshui
3) Intuitive fengshui
It will be an inauspicious year but of moderate growth-
It is “inauspicious” because -

Though many countries are already out of recession however there would still be 5 key issues like : natural disasters, financial difficulties, lawsuits, political changes and environmental matters -
The year, 2010 -

It is a “Geng Yin” year -

It’s a tiger year where the first lunar six months of the year belongs to “yang metal”.

While the latter half belongs to the “yang wood”.

Metal weakens the Wood thus causing difficulties and conflicts.
The combination of “Geng and Yin” will make the Tiger year a year of natural disasters, financial difficulties, political unstability (rise of new leaders), legal matters and environmental matters -

Tiger is a most feared animal in the old days -

It willbe a “tiger with 2 rusty teeth”indicating things are not that smooth. Hidden in the 2 teeth are possible lawsuits and political unstability giving rise to riots.
The tiger is the second animal of the 12 animal signs and therefore the most fierce -

The tiger has to wake up early to look for food and beat all competition so, we too will be likewise. Another year of early morning rise.
So when does the Chinese New Year actually begin ?

The season of spring (Li Chun) (solar calendar) begin on 4thFebruary 2010 -

However, many chinese all over the world would still celebrate Chinese New Year on 14 February 2010 which follows the lunar calendar -
It depends on which Chinese New Year’s “calendar”, you follow.

However, as you know, each year, we observe what happens to us on the 4th February 2010 and if good things happen on that day then it is going to be a fantastic year !

However, if negative things occur then it means that the year is not going to be smooth.

Please go and work on this day as it means that you will always have work to do.
This time, the 4thFebruary 2010 falls on a Thursday.

Go to the bank, wear red and bank in a cheque or cash to your name.

Did it work for you last year, 2009 ?

Did you wear a red top too ?
Predictions for the year of the Tiger
Which animal signs will face difficulties ?
The year 2010

Those born in the year of the -“Tiger” and “Monkey”
2 Tips on what not to do this year :
The year 2010

Do not attend funeral and weddings especially for those born in the animal signs of “tiger” and “monkey”.

When faced with arguments, it is better to let go and take a step back than to force your way through if not it could lead to possible legal matters.

1) Investment Outlook 2010:

Gold Prices is set to rise –

Oil prices is set to fall -

2) Disaster Outlook 2010 :

There would be natural disasters like an earthquake, floods, strong winds or a possible forest fire erupting and would occur mostly in the south western part of any country or from the southern hemisphere -
3) There is a possibility of another terrorist attacks–

4) There is a possibility of a new plant/herbs being discovered –

5) The climate would become very unpredictable, sometimes very hot, sometimes very cold causing the prices of commodities to rise -

6) There will be many legal matters or lawsuits -
7) There is a possibility of a war happening–

8) Any logo that has an “Tiger” on it has to be careful –

9) There would be more strikes, protests and riots causing political unstability –

10) Currency Outlook 2010:

Australia and New Zealand dollars will have better growth only in the second half of the year.
11) Market Outlook 2010:

The stock market would be “bumpy” but generally a good time for serious savvy investors take note of a short fall around 14 April -

12) There will be scandals and accounting frauds -

13) There will be lesser babies being born this year -
14) There would not be a Sars or H1N1 outbreak -

15) There is a possible passing away of an important famous person -

16) There will be negative news for those in the EARTH industry –prices of properties are set to fall.
17) This year, the sicknesses to take note are : the lungs , bones (backache), sore throats and headaches -

18) There will be news of merges and acquistions happening in the METAL or WOOD industries –
Which industries will do well ?
Fire Industry:
Properties of fire : warm and gives offheat.Fire industries are those related to electrical products, stockmarkets, restuarants, lightings shops, fast food chains,bakery shops, accounting firms.
Earth Industry:
Properties of earth: hard and stillness. Earth Industries are those related to properties, human resource, petshops, chemicals, cosmetics, renovation companies, developers, agriculture, insurance, construction firms, cosmetic surgery etc.
Metal Industry:
Properties of metal: hardandpiercing. Metal Industries are those related to banking, machineries and equiptments, law, fortune telling, gold jewellery, robotics, steel, vehicles.
Water Industry:
Properties of water: Wavy.Water Industries are those that deal with internet(dotcoms), consultancy, shipping, transportation, logistics, distribution, tourism, lottery, coldbeverages, hotels, shipbuilding, fortunetelling, information technology, broadcasting,airlines, oil,marineproducts, moneylending, telecommunications,animation and advertising.
Wood Industry:
Wood: Good
Properties of wood: hard and grows upwards.Wood Industries are those related to Government, printing, seminars/events, universities, schools, textile firms, paper and pulp, timber, furniture, fashion, politics, education, hair salons and photography.
Forecast for the 12 animals
 The ROOSTER -Good year
Intro: There are 2 lucky stars and 4 bad ones.The combination of bad stars will create obstacles for you at work though there are the presence of some good stars.Luckily, most roosters are positive looking and hence they would be able to clear whatever hurdles. Work hard this year and the year will pass, smoothly. There is a possibility of a hidden enemy at work.

Your health is average and you may catch a flu early in the year and can be quite bad.

Take care of your bones and lungs. Go jogging or do deep breathing exercises each morning to circulate the qi in your body.
Money & Work :

There is money luck for you but they tend to fluctuate, sometimes have windfall sometimes nothing.

This is not a good year for you to change job.
Love & family:

Family members are harmonous and all is well.

If single, there is romance and is a good time to settle down.
DOG – Good year
Intro: There are 3 lucky stars and 4 bad stars.Fortunately, there are lucky stars to help you at work. Those who are in business have to becareful of lawsuits from business dealings. Use money to solve them and all would be well. Those who are employees should have no problems at the workplace.
Money & Work:

Money luck is not so favourable this year hence no gambling and try not to over stretch your expenses.

This is not a year for you to be aggressive but rather be soft and gentle at work and learn to “go with the flow”. If there is a good job opening, go for it.

Drive carefully.

Because you tend to work too hard therefore your health might not be good. Try to listen to your body when it is tired, go and have a rest.

If you are very sick, go see a doctor and you will soon recover. Health usually would be related to flu, backache and stomach trouble.
Love & family:

If married, time to take a break and bring the family for holidays.

If single, relationship might break this year. So wear the animal pendant of your boyfriend or girlfriend and all would be well.
PIG -Excellent year
Intro: There are 4 lucky stars and 3 minor bad stars. It is going to be a fantastic year for you both in career and in your wealth. Because of the presence of lucky stars, career, business and money luck are all very good. However, the pig has to be humble at all times if not others can get jealous and that can lead to problems.
RAT -Average year
Intro: There are 3 lucky stars and 3 bad stars.This year has a mixture of good and bad stars but generally smooth.At work there can be some obstacles and there is no enemy, so all is well and peaceful.
OX -Average year
Intro: There are 3 lucky star and 3 bad stars.Last year was your year, you probably don’t wish to talk about it.This year, promises to be a year of stability as there won’t be much changes at the work place or at home.Ensure that all important documents are carefully read before signing as there is a possibility of a lawsuit if you are not careful.
 TIGER –Inauspicious year
Intro: There are 4 lucky stars and 4 bad stars.This is not a good year for you. There would be many changes, at the work place, at home and in the family. Just be mentally prepared to embrace them. People would find fault with you for nothing and so please avoid gossiping. Best is to lie low.
RABBIT –Excellent year
Intro: There are 3 lucky stars and 3 bad stars.This is a very lucky year for you with very good money luck and a promotion. However there is a *tau hua* star in sight bringing in unwanted romance especially when you are married. Don’t allow a third party to ruin your marriage.
DRAGON -Average year
Intro: There is 3 lucky star and 3 bad stars.This is an average year for you as there are the presence of strong bad stars to cause havoc. Whatever you want to do, you must be very very careful and becareful of a potential lawsuit in business dealings. Re read your documents before signing.
SNAKE –Good year
Intro: There are 4 lucky stars and 4 bad stars.This year should be a much better year than last year as you have a mixture of good and bad stars. Everything will be smooth. There is a big achievement for you and should avoid changing job after that.
HORSE -Average year
Intro: You have 2 lucky star and 4 bad stars.It is not going to be a smooth year as there are too many bad stars. There would be obstacles at work and you are advised to be mindful and to go with the flow of events then all would be well.
GOAT –Good year
Intro: There are 4 lucky stars and 4 bad stars.There is an even number of stars this year and the good stars are indeed very good like Tian Xi and Tai Yang so as to give you changes this year but things are a lot smoother than last year’s.Everything is a lot more stable.
MONKEY -Bad year
Intro: You have 2 lucky stars and 4 bad stars.The year of the tiger clashes with you hence whatever you do or try to do, would not be successful. Everything goes in opposite direction hence simply lie low and just move along would be best. “Go with the flow”
How to have better wealth ?
Fengshui for 2010
How to have better wealth ?
1) The 5 yellow (5) is in the South West
2) The sickness (2) is in the North East
3) The wealth (8) is in the Centre
 4) The legal (3) is in the South
5) The romance (4) is in the North
6) The fire star (9) is in the North West
7) The robbing (7) is in South East
8) The helpful sector (6) is in the East
9) The water star (1) is in the West

Fengshui Queen® SG

Tip for 2010 -

2005 –Carry 88 grains of uncooked rice in a red packet and a gold pendant for good luck and protection for the year 2005 in another red packet. 2006 –Carry a “gold pendant abacus” in your wallet for more money to count in the year.2007 -Carry S$500 cash in the zip pouch of your bag so that with more money, you will be able to “attract” more money to come to you.

2008 -Carry a small bagua, size of 20 cent coin in the wallet for wealth, protection and power –2009 -Throw lots of coins on the writing desk in your study room or anywhere in the living room for additional Good Luck and for your wealth to grow in 2009 !!!

Go and buy a real gold “ru yi” pendant for your smooth career and place it in your wallet !!!

Conclusion :

3 Successful Tips for 2010 !

1) Investment Tip : Spend money especially the second half of the year, buy shares or buy properties
2) Do good deeds and help anyone who needs help –
3) Read my 2 Blogs to find out MORE with the latest updates –


The Darvaza Well

The Darvaza well

In the middle of the Karakoum (Turkmenistan) desert, close to the disappeared village called Darvaza, there is a crater of about one hundred meters of diameter and more than twenty meters of depth,

called “the hell’s door”.

Inside this well, a fire has been burning for dozens of years, a fire that looks endless.

The Darvaza well is not a work of nature, but the result of an unfortunate soviet mining prospection started in the 50’s.


In 1971, a drilling provoked the collapse of an underground cavity, so revealing a gaping hole leaking enormous quantities of gas.


The geologists decided to torch the well

to eliminate such toxic gas,

The soviets grossly underestimated the dimensions of the cavity:

the gas that should have burned out within a few weeks has actually kept burning without interruption since 1971!


It is unknown for how long “the « hell’s door » will keep on burning.

Even though the well of Darvaza is located in a region difficult to access,

a lot of people gather there to observe this fascinating phenomenon.

The intense heat coming from the crater allows to approach the place only for a few minutes because of the unbearable temperature.

At night the show is Dantean: the fire burns in all its magnificence,

giving the well the look of a volcanic burning crater.

At night the show is Dantean: the fire burns in all its magnificence,

giving the well the look of a volcanic burning crater.

An Amazing Man- Let us choose a simpler and smarter way to live…

There was a one hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the world’s second richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity.

Following are some very interesting aspects of his life:


He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!

Things were very cheap that time… Encourage your children to invest.

He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.

One can buy many things with few savings.

Encourage your children to start some kind of business.


He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha , that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.

Don't buy more than you "really need" and encourage your children to do and think the same.


He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.

You are what you are…

He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company.

Always think how you can accomplish things economically.


His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.

Assign the right people to the right jobs.

He has given his CEO's only two rules:

Rule number 1: do not lose any of your share holder's money.

Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

Set goals and make sure people focus on them.

He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television.

Don't try to show off, just be your self and do what you enjoy doing

Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

His advice to young people:

"Stay away from credit cards & bank loans and invest in yourself and remember:

Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money.

Live your life as simply as possible.

Don't do what others say - listen to them, but do what you feel good doing.

Don't follow brand names; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable.

Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; rather just spend on those things you really need.

After all, it's your life so why allow others to rule your life?"

"The HAPPIEST people DO NOT necessarily have the ‘BEST’ THINGS.

They simply APPRECIATE the things they have”

my music = my soul