I have few dogs at home as a guard and pet dog as well.
The above pictures shown the current that I keep at home. The gold color Retriever I got from a chinese who wanted to let her go and the Chai, I bought from a breeder and kecik I got for free from one malay.
How come I can keep a dog eventhough I m a muslim?
First question what is Islam ?
How to be a good muslim?
Why muslim can't keep dog?
How to perform prayer with dog at home?
The answer is
We can keep dogs if the dog to protect us from intruder. An riwayat said even Rasullullah s.a.w feed dogs and let the dog to give birth in his house till the dog out from his house itself.
The Malaikat won't be entering a house with dog, picture and so forth?
Yes the Malaikat is kind of allergic to dog but please do keep the dog outside the house if you are a muslim. Build it home outside from your home. Their duties is to give us a protection.
Do you know that, some syaitan allergic to dogs too. Therefore if someone try to harm you with spirit way, it wont be successful.
For everybody information, most richest group in Malaysia keep guard dogs example the late Datuk Zakaria had two guard dogs even the king faisal of Egypt also has dogs. Those muslim in Afghanistan keep dog for protection. Their army using dogs services to trace enemies.
To perform prayer we must "samak" with soil water one times and 6 times with taps water. Nowdays not so difficult we have Taharah soap to perform "samak". Life is so easy why make it difficult...
So what do you think ?
Me.... I m glad I have them.
They are the best friend to human
till now...happy reading.