Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Beautiful Hadith

Hadis yang Menarik

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda : 'Bila seseorang lelaki itu mati dan saudaranya sibuk dengan pengebumiannya, berdiri lelaki yang betul-betul kacak di bahagian kepalanya. Bila mayatnya dikapan, lelaki itu berada di antara kain kapan dan si mati.

Selepas pengebumian, semua orang pulang ke rumah, 2 malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir, datang dalam kubur dan cuba memisahkan lelaki kacak ini supaya mereka boleh menyoal lelaki yang telah meninggal itu seorang diri mengenai ketaatannya kepada Allah. Tapi lelaki kacak itu berkata,

Dia adalah temanku, dia adalah kawanku. Aku takkan meninggalkannya seorang diri walau apa pun. Jika kamu ditetapkan untuk menyoal, lakukanlah tugasmu. Aku tidak boleh meninggalkannya sehingga aku dapati dia dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga.'

Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, 'I am the Qur'an, which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will have no grief.'

Selepas itu dia berpaling pada temannya yang meninggal dan berkata,'Aku adalah Al-Quran, yang mana kamu membacanya, kadang-kadang dengan suara yang nyaring dan kadang-kadang dengan suara yang perlahan. Jangan bimbang. Selepas soal siasat dari Mungkar dan Nakir, kamu tidak akan bersedih.'

When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.

Selepas soal siasat selesai, lelaki kacak mengatur untuknya daripada Al-Mala'ul A'laa (malaikat dalam Syurga) tempat tidur dari sutera yang dipenuhi bauan kesturi

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'On the Day of Judgement, before Allah, no other Intercessor will have a greater status than the Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.'

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda :'Di hari pengadilan, di hadapan Allah, tiada syafaat yang lebih baik darjatnya daripada Quran, mahupun dari nabi atau malaikat.'

Please keep forwarding this 'Hadith' to all ....because

Sila sebarkan Hadis ini kepada semua .......kerana

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

'Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse'.

'Sampaikan pengetahuan dari ku walaupun hanya satu ayat.'

May Allah bestow this favour on all of us.

Inilah hasilnya... Kopi Termahal di Dunia!! Wahaha..

Kisah Kopi Termahal di Dunia..

Tahukah anda apakah kopi yg termahal di dunia?

Cappucino? Expresso? Mocha?

What? Kopi Janda? Tu yg mahal bukan kopinya.. tapi jandanya. Kah kah kah...

Biasa kita minum kopi.. kopi yg diproses dari biji kopi asli. Tapi berlainan dengan kopi ini. Nama pun paling mahal, mesti la ada spesel nya.. Hehe.

Pernah dengar nama Kopi Luwak? Kopi Luwak ialah kopi paling mahal di dunia.

Kenapa mahal? Sebab ia ada ingredient tambahan.. diproses dan diadun secukup rasa, bukan dalam periuk belanga, tapi dalam perut haiwan.. Haa, jangan terkejut beb. Sebab tu la mahal.. Hehe.

Kopi Luwak keluaran Thailand berjenama 'Doi Chaang'.

Kopi Luwak keluaran Filipina berjenama 'Alamid'.

Eh.. menatang ape ni? Apa kaitan dengan kopi lak ni?

Haa.. menatang ni la yg buat kopi ni sedap. Menatang ni la yg telah menaiktaraf status kopi ni jadi the most expensive coffee in this world!

Cane jadi gitu pulak? Haa.. relek.. follow story kat bawah ni...

Menatang ni namanya Civet. Lebih kurang macam musang la, badan bintik2.. membiak area Asia, Afrika dan Eropah.

Petani di Jawa Timur memetik biji kopi sebagai makanan Civet.

Hanya biji kopi yg elok dan terpilih je dijadikan makanan Civet.. demi menghasilkan kopi yg berkualiti tinggi.. Errkkk..

Civet diberi makan biji kopi terpilih. Masa proses penghadaman, enzim Civet akan bercampur dengan biji kopi ni. Bila najis keluar, ia akan menghasilkan biji kopi yg unik dan tasty.. Gulp!

Najis Civet dipungut untuk diproses.

Haha.. amacam, ada macam wafer cereal tak? Kah kah kah...

Proses pembersihan dan pemilihan biji kopi Civet yg terbaik untuk dikisar menjadi serbuk kopi.

Inilah hasilnya... Kopi Termahal di Dunia!! Wahaha..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Subject: Fw: Allahuakbar-A Beautiful Story!

A good one to read and understand the message.

Beautiful message! Taqwa comes in that way also. It may be a refresher course.

A young man had been to Wednesday Night Class of Quranic Studies. The Mu’alim had shared about listening to Allah and obeying Allah through intuition. The young man couldn't help but wonder, 'Does Allah still speak to people through intuition?'

After Lessons, he went out with some friends for coffee and pie and they discussed the message. Several different ones talked about how Allah had led them in different ways and that at the end you'll know it was Allah(SWT) Who has directed you.

It was about ten o'clock when the young man started driving home. Sitting in his car, he just began to pray, 'Allah...If you still speak to people, speak to me. I will listen.. I will do my best to obey.'

As he drove down the main street of his town, he had the strangest thought to stop and buy a gallon of milk. He shook his head and said out loud, 'Allah is that you?' He didn't get a reply and started on toward home. But again, the thought, buy a gallon of milk came into his head. 'Okay, Allah, in case that is you, I will buy the milk.' It didn't seem like too hard a test of obedience. He could always use the milk. He stopped and purchased the gallon of milk and started off toward home.

As he passed Seventh Street , he again felt the urge, 'Turn Down that street.' This is crazy he thought, and drove on past the intersection. Again, he felt that he should turn down Seventh Street . At the next intersection, he turned back and headed down Seventh. Half jokingly, he said out loud, 'Okay, Allah, I will.'

He drove several blocks, when suddenly, he felt like he should stop. He pulled over to the curb and looked around.

He was in a semi-commercial area of town. It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst of neighborhoods either. The businesses were closed and most of the houses looked dark like the people were already in bed. Again, he sensed something, 'Go and give the milk to the people in the house across the street.'

The young man looked at the house.. It was dark and it looked like the people were either gone or they were already asleep.

He started to open the door and then sat back in the car seat. 'Allah, this is insane. Those people are asleep and if I wake them up, they are going to be mad and I will look stupid.' Again, he felt like he should go and give the milk. Finally, he opened the door, 'Okay Allah(SWT), if this is you, I will go to the door and I will give them the milk. If you want me to look like a crazy person, okay. I want to be obedient. I guess that will count for something, but if the don't answer right away, I am out of here.'

He walked across the street and rang the bell. He could hear some noise inside. A man's voice yelled out, 'Who is it? What do you want?' Then the door opened before the young man could get away. The man was standing there in his jeans and T-shirt. He looked like he just got out of bed. He had a strange look on his face and he didn't seem too happy to have some stranger standing on his doorstep. 'What is it?' The young man thrust out the gallon of milk, 'Here, I brought this to you.'

The man took the milk and rushed down a hallway. Then from down the hall came a woman carrying the milk toward the kitchen. The man was following her holding a baby. The baby was crying. The man had tears streaming down his face. The man began speaking and half crying, 'We were just praying. We had some big bills this month and we ran out of money.. We didn't have any milk for our baby. I was just praying and asking Allah (SWT) to show me how to get some milk.' His wife in the kitchen yelled out, 'I ask him to send an Angel with some. Are you an Angel?'

The young man reached into his wallet and pulled out all the money he had on him and put in the man's hand.

He turned and walked back toward his car and the tears were streaming down his face. He knew that Allah (SWT) still answers prayers.


If you believe that Allah (SWT) answers prayers, send this to everyone you care about and also the person that sent it to you!!!!!!!!!

If you do not send nothing will happen to you, but if you send you might just be sending someone hope and belief that Allah (SWT) hears our prayers and give hope to those who have already lost faith considering the situation most people.

That's it! That's the test! It's just that simple!

Sometimes it's the simplest things that Allah (SWT) asks us to do, that enable us to understand His words clearer and better than ever.. Please listen, and obey!

It will bless you and others..This is an easy test - you score 100 or zero. I scored 100 because you have it!

my music = my soul