Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hari Raya Eid Fitri 2009

This year 2009, my eid fitri will be more cheerful than before.  I had contributed to renovation of my kampung house. I hope my mother will like it. She happy...the world will happy too. I bought deco flower for my own house. I will capture the pics later.

This Ramadhan, I am very persistent about waking up for sahur. I never fail till today. Alhamdulilah. I hope this will be continuously as long as I m still live in this world.

My works.... now become better and better. I have captured all the knowledge that I suppose to know and master it. My business....I am getting better and better. I hope also it will continuously till I get what I want to get. Alhamdulillah.

My family is getting bigger and bigger as my bro got a pair twin. Alhamdulillah.

Though everything seems almost complete but I am still searching for better and the best. InsyaAllah.

For all my visitors who always drop by and visit my blog. My wishes "selamat hari raya eidul fitri to all muslim and maaf zahir batin". May Allah gives tan of His Rahmat on all of us.

Sincerely yours
Maria Soraya

my music = my soul