Love is not only for Human being but for all life creatures in this world. Look at the cats in the picture below. They are hugging each other while sleeping eventhough they are not from the same family still animal shows LOVE to each other....HOW ABOUT US?

Recent news came out that a mother and sudanese boyfriend tortured her daughter till caused her death. What kind of human is that? Are they half human half jin? Torturing life creature equal to torturing ourselves. Don't she ever think that we are only a TRAVELLER on this bumi Allah? Don't she ever think to give away instead of torturing her?

Look at these sleeping cat. I wonder how they are enjoying their sleep at a peaceful home. We don't dare to torture others can torture a human?

My mom at my hometown has more than 20 cats. I supply cats' food since then. I m happy to divide rezeki that Allah gives me to all that needed. Alhamdulilah.
My request to all of you. Be kind to all life creatures. Don't expect the return but pray for Rahmat Allah. May Allah give us tan of His Rahmat. May Allah bless all of us.
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